A management system generally includes a set of technological and organizational methods and tools that help maintain project management in companies and influence their efficiency and effectiveness. Quite often this definition has a narrower explanation, in which information or automated project management systems are meant.

Every project control system has objectives and goals.

Objectives include:

  • Improving the productivity of company employees while working on projects.
  • Improving the quality of project management skill of project managers.
  • Increasing the performance of the company’s management as a whole (over a period of time, the number of completed projects increases and the cost of projects decreases).

The main objectives of the project management system are:

  • Supplying the employees working on the project with clear and productive tools to work and find any information they need.
  • Issuing project managers with tools that will help in planning and tracking execution.
  • Providing department heads with tools to monitor the amount of work done on or off task.
  • Empowering managers with information that will help them intelligently assign work to subordinates and give them new projects.
  • Providing managers with information to help them divide the work among their subordinates and give them new projects.
  • Giving project managers access to a common monitoring dashboard of all projects that allows them to analyze deviations from the plan and decide what actions to take.
  • Providing superiors with simple tools designed to automate certain processes and monitor the status of overall project portfolios, as well as the quality of the managers’ work.
  • Providing shareholders with the ability to see how the design is progressing so that they have confidence in the company’s integrity.